3rd party integration

Promote Your Event and Enhance Event Management

By connecting your events with a range of event platforms with 3rd party integration

ZoomDisplay your Zoom events. Generate a meeting/webinar and use in your next email campaign
Google Calendar
Google CalendarPull your Google calendar events and highlight them on your site
SlackSend notifications to a slack channel when a ticket has been purchased or an attendee has RVSP'd
HubSpotSync your contacts to your HubSpot account when a new attendee purchases a ticket or RSVPs. Automatically add tasks to your configured workflows
Constant Campaign
Constant CampaignSync your contacts to your Constant Contact account when a new attendee purchases a ticket or RSVPs.
ZohoSync your contacts to your Zoho account when a new attendee purchases a ticket or RSVPs. Sync your events with Zoho Meetings
EventbriteConnect your Eventbrite account and automatically display your events. Any updates are sync'd in realtime
TwitchBroadcast your Twitch Stream and Chat box on your site with just a couple of clicks
Ticket Spice
Ticket SpiceConnect your Ticket Spice account and automatically display your events. Any updates are sync'd in realtime
Ovation Tix
Ovation TixAutomatically pull and keep your OvationTix events in sync
Ticket Tailor
Ticket TailorConnect your Ticket Tailor account and automatically display your events. Any updates are sync'd in realtime
Reg Fox
Reg FoxConnect your Reg Fox account and sync your event registrations
Wix Events
Wix EventsConnect your Ticket Spice account and automatically display your events. Any updates are sync'd in realtime
FacebookConnect your Reg Fox account and sync your event registrations
Event Universe
Event UniverseConnect your Ticket Tailor account and automatically display your events. Any updates are sync'd in realtime
XAutomatically pull and keep your OvationTix events in sync
LinkedInConnect your Ticket Spice account and automatically display your events. Any updates are sync'd in realtime
ZapierConnect your Ticket Spice account and automatically display your events. Any updates are sync'd in realtime